Dorpspruit Catchment Restoration
Project Budget
R2,400,000 over 4 years
Project Background
PROJECT PARTNERS: DUCT, Winterskloof, World’s View, and Ferncliffe Conservancies.
The Dorpspruit River flows through Pietermaritzburg into the Msunduzi River, joining the Mngeni River.
Development in the catchment has caused severe pollution by sewage runoff from agriculture and industry. Water flows have now dwindled to dangerous levels.
The Project plans to rehabilitate the catchment streams and wetlands by eradicating invasive alien plants and restoring indigenous vegetation in the mist belt forests and grasslands.
In addition, a conservation management and education programme aimed at local businesses and industry will be introduced.
Employment, education, recreation and tourism opportunities will also develop from the Project.
Project Duration
JUNE 2017 – MAY 2021
- Phase 1: Implementation. June 2017 – May 2019. Clearing and removal of alien vegetation; replanting; creation of niches and habitats for indigenous wildlife; rehabilitation of water sources; transport of waste; riparian zone restoration.
- Phase 2: Maintenance. June 2018 – May 2021. Security and conservation patrols; reactive restoration and repair; research and reporting, adaptive management
- Budget: Project implementation (2 years) R1,720,000
- Maintenance programme (3 years) R680,000
Contact Details
Name: Winterskloof Conservancy and partners
Location: Hilton, Pietermaritzburg (See Google map below)
Contact person: Judy Bell
Contact number: 03 639 1657
Email: judybell@mweb.co.za
Facebook @winterskloofconservancy